Workingroom Art Handmade Painting Contemporary Art, Abstract Painting
Original Painting,Painting on Canvas Modern Wall Decor Contemporary Art, Abstract Painting
Name: Skyline under the bridge
Artist: Lan
_Size: 40cm x 50cm x 3cm, ready to hang, no outside frame
_Materials: Stretched canvas, no outside frame, Acrylic paints.
100% Original Handmade Art on Canvas by professional artist .
_Texture and brush strokes you will love
_Made in AUS - Fast Shipping
_ Professional Artist
_ Stretched canvas, ready to hang, no outside frame
_ Many Made to order Sizes
_Beautiful Colors will add shine to your home.
_Happily takes custom orders and sizes requests.
Note: Every painting sent is unique being handmade
What you receive is very close to what is in image, but not exactly same. Stay assured of the quality and colors used.